Three Creeks Church Gahanna Ohio



Please note: Canadian donors will be directed to where funds will be processed through our registered charity Grace Fellowship Canada.

Ephrata is a borough in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania about 60 miles west of Philadelphia.

Ephrata Grace has a long history in the Charis Fellowship. After several years of steady decline in attendance, the congregation voted to partner with Assist Church Expansion to implement a plan for revitalization. Their aim is to become a church that is more effective in reaching people in their community.

Brad & Liz Gromis

Brad, Liz and their three boys (Judah, Josiah and Jonah) will be joining the Ephrata Grace Church in 2019 to lead the way in this revitalization project.

A graduate of Grace College and Seminary, Brad earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies, B.S. in Youth Ministry and M.Div. with a counselling emphasis. He has most recently served as the Executive Pastor at Grace Family Church in New Holland, PA.

Financial needs

Revitalization fund (equipment, marketing, community engagement):


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